
A smart and very extensible jquery sliding carousel

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Circular Navigator

This plugin provides a simple way to make navigation circular.


name description default
autoPlay Allows your track to foward one page by 'duration option' time. It automatically disabled when mouse is over the track. false
duration time to auto play in milliseconds 3000
clonedClass Class applied to the cloned items that makes track circular "cloned"


Circular Navigator Plugin requires the Navigator Plugin

track.install(new SilverTrack.Plugins.Navigator({
  prev: $(".my-track a.prev"),
  next: $(".my-track a.next")

track.install(new SilverTrack.Plugins.CircularNavigator());

Give life to your track

In this way, autoplay allows your track to foward one page by 'duration option' time. It automatically disabled when mouse is over the track.

track.install(new SilverTrack.Plugins.Navigator({
  prev: $(".my-track a.prev"),
  next: $(".my-track a.next")

track.install(new SilverTrack.Plugins.CircularNavigator({
  autoPlay: true,
  duration: 5 * 1000 // 5s

Connect with Bullet Navigator Plugin

In this way, you can easily control pages and be aware of which is the current page.

track.install(new SilverTrack.Plugins.Navigator({
    prev: $("a.prev", container),
    next: $("a.next", container)

  track.install(new SilverTrack.Plugins.Css3Animation());

  track.install(new SilverTrack.Plugins.CircularNavigator({
    autoPlay: true,
    duration: 5000

  track.install(new SilverTrack.Plugins.BulletNavigator({
    container: $(".bullet-pagination")